Six Weeks of Solutions

6 Weeks of Solutions – NLP & Hypnotherapy

Take your life to the next level with this 6 week programme of NLP and Hypnotherapy. Bespoke to your needs in tackling whatever problems you may have and successfully resolving any issues. We will identify your desired focus to apply these powerful change techniques to and achieve transformation of whatever currently holds you back. A commitment of Six Sessions over six weeks helps you to consistently generate behavioural change and psychological evolution. I will support you in making the relevant changes you need through consistent high level skills application throughout the period, ensuring you receive high quality input and the best result


In addition to the 6 weekly sessions I will support you with a weekly check in email, keeping up with your developments, offering advice and input where needed and keeping you accountable, motivated and positive with your progress and achievements and adding further suggestions for your progression to keep you moving forward.

Invest in yourself

Investing in yourself, your skills, your wellbeing, your psychological state is invaluable. It changes your quality of life forever, setting up whole new directions and possibilities. Simply decide on what’s holding you back or where you’d like to improve the quality of your life, and get in touch.. We’ll take it from there.

Six Week Session Package PLUS

+ 6 Weekly 1 hr Sessions

+ 6 Weekly Support Emails

Standard Price £495

Pack Price only £485

Six Week Session Package Reg

+ 6 Weekly 1 hr Sessions


Standard Price £465

Pack Price only £455

More Pack Options Here

Why wait ? Take action, call or email to book today.